Sun, Jan 01 - Mar 01 10:00 - 20:00 | Past Event
2017 WYNG Masters Award Exhibition

Hong Kong Central Library – 10 April 2016 – 19 April 2016
(Hong Kong : 9 April 2016) From 10 to 19 April, the photographics works of this year’s WYNG Masters Award finalists can be viewed by the public at the Exhibition Gallery of the Hong Kong Central Library. This artists will bring their interpretation of IDENTITY to life through images. The winner of this year’s WYNG Masters Award and WMA Commission were announced on April 9th, one day before the finalist exhibition is opened to the public.
The WYNG Masters Award Exhibition kicked off with the Dr. York Chow as Guest of Honor stating that “A civic and progressive society is one that would care for everyone, including those who are unfortunate, disadvantaged, and lack of opportunities. Hong Kong has the wealth, the infrastructure and the culture to be a great society because of our history, our heritage, out tradition and our culture. Let us put them into good use, for today and for our future generation.”
14:00 - 14:30 Public Guided Tour
Introducing photographic works and the artistic process